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Left Right

The color of the walls are a lolling sky blue. Once in this room you notice semen stains on the walls, and the same four doors; one behind you, to left, right and one in front of you. You may chose one door and leave through it.

Also, you notice the inept stench of Death. This room is sadistically lit. This pyrrhic room is cluttered with all kinds of junk. You see a picture of John Travolta, a painting of what looks like Lesotho, and lasagna that was half eaten by a Tsurani.

On top of the ill-bred stench there is an odor of crisps coming from one of the doors. Which door is it coming from? However, you wonder if Khan Noonien Singh is cooking it, or is it an Empyrean using food to lure you?

On one of the walls, you see spray painted, "If three cats catch three mice in three minutes, how many cats would be needed to catch 100 mice in 100 minutes?"...and you think to yourself what Ronald McDonald fan wrote that?

Yikes, that Balrog would have eaten you, had it not been already chasing that centaur. You watch hoarsely as both depart hoarsely through a small crack in the floor.

Fair enough, quit playing with that fervent redwood. It probably belongs to Your Mom. Pick a door and let's go already.